Where are you located?
In Hallsville, about 20 miles outside of Columbia, MO.
Do you have bees and do you sell honey?
We do not sell honey, and the bees that live on our property moved into an empty hive and are feral. We mostly enjoy their company and leave their honey alone.
Why are you called Honey Creek Farm?
When we were making plans for our farm, Laura was a beginning beekeeper and we hoped to include honey as one of our products. We also planned to include sheep cheese, but reality is sometimes a cruel killer of dreams.
What breed of sheep do you raise?
Katahdin. They are hair sheep that don’t require shearing because they shed. Katahdins are a good meat breed, have cute, healthy babies, and are excellent mothers.
Are sheep stupid?
Sheep have a reputation for not being the brightest bulbs in the drawer. But, according to Laura, they are just sweet, gentle animals, who like hanging out with the herd and think everything the rest of the sheep are doing is a good idea.